Our goal is for your questions to be answered as quickly and directly as possible. For the topics below, friendly specialists on campus are best prepared to respond and accomplish the best result. Please reach out to the following campus offices if your questions relate to:

Summer Financial Aid

Connect with staff in the Office of Financial Aid about costs, financial aid, scholarships, grants, and more.

  • Cost of your specific courses
  • Summer financial aid
  • What happens regarding tuition or aid if you drop a course

Registrar's Office

Connect with staff in the Registrar’s Office about registration, course access, transferring courses, transcripts, and credential validation. Also find:

  • Repeat/Repair Information
  • Registration Appeals
  • Transcripts

Summer-Only/Visiting Students

Interested in taking CSU summer courses? CSU welcomes summer-only/visiting students! These students are not seeking a CSU degree and register for at least one in-person course during summer session.

Visiting students taking only online courses must contact CSU Online.

K-12 Summer Programs Portal

These CSU summer experiences are offered for students from kindergarten to high school and beyond. Options include credit-bearing, academic, and sport programs, and experiences for P-12 teachers.

  • Questions about specific programs for K-12 are best answered by the staff and faculty administering each program.
  • Create an unforgettable summer at the K-12 Summer Programs Portal!.

Let's Connect!

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Our Staff and Mailing Address

Anne Van Arsdall

Ellen Audley
Program Coordinator

Contact CSU Summer

Email CSU Summer or call (970) 491-1590

Main Office

Johnson Hall, Room 101
950 Libbie Coy Way
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1502

Delivery Address

Colorado State University
Attn: CSU Summer
Room 108 Admin Bldg.
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1502

Campus Mail

Colorado State University
Attn: CSU Summer
1502 Campus Delivery

Postal Address

Office of the Provost
Colorado State University
Attn: CSU Summer
108 Administration Bldg.
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1502