With over 1,700 course sections, the four-, eight-, 12-week and additional-length terms allow students to focus deeply on fewer classes. Students may study on campus, online, at the CSU Mountain Campus, and complete an AUCC course, internship, work on a major or minor, or try something new. Explore, experience, and expand through CSU Summer!

Summer-Only (Visiting) Students

Summer-Only (Visiting) students are invited to complete summer classes at CSU without current plans to enroll or taking only online classes.

Summer-Only Student Information

K-12 Summer Programs Portal

The K-12 Summer Programs Portal showcases CSU youth summer programs including credit-bearing, academic, and sport programs.

K-12 Programs Portal

Registration for Summer Session 2025 begins Tuesday, March 25!

Registration is on a space-available basis in RAMweb through the add/drop period for each course.


Summer Session 2025 Term Schedule

CSU Summer Session 2025 Term Schedule: four-, eight-, and 12-week terms with additional terms of varying length.

CSU Summer Session 2025 Term Schedule: Four-week terms: May 19- June 15, June 16-July 13, and July 14-August 10. Eight-week terms: May 19-July 13 and June 16-August 10. 12-week term: May 19-August 10. Additional terms of varying lengths.

Why Summer?

By participating in summer session, students have the opportunity to graduate and earn earlier, and potentially reduce educational expenses. Summer offers a unique opportunity to focus on one or few courses at a time, making it a great time to complete a challenging course, participate in experiential learning, or fulfill a prerequisite.

View more videos with student and faculty perspectives on summer experiences.

Accessible Transcript: Graduate and Celebrate with Friends

Additional Insights: Stay in town with your friends and make new ones this summer while staying on track with your graduation plans. Or try something new or that you’re not good at (yet) that may become a passion!

Carli is practicing the skills featured in this video learned through her CSU minor in American Sign Language. The Intersection mural is pictured behind her. It was created through a summer collaboration of CSU graduate students, artist Armando Silva, and local volunteers through Community Engagement in the Arts.

 In-Depth Insights from Student and Faculty on CSU Summer Session

Accessible Transcript: In-depth student and faculty perspectives on summer session

Additional Insights: Students and faculty provide their perspectives on the unique value of CSU summer session. With in-person and online courses, the condensed summer terms allow an immersive focus on fewer courses. This experience is distinct from fall and spring semesters.

Faculty and students alike appreciate the opportunity to connect with each other. They describe creating community and making lifetime memories. Students can take advantage of summer session to gain career-based experience, get caught up on credits or even get ahead and graduate earlier. Additionally, students can meet the challenge of reaching beyond their comfort zone while exploring or discovering a new passion.

Students who take summer courses tend to persist and graduate at higher rates. This especially applies to students seeking to improve their GPA or who struggled during their first academic year.

CSU summer session courses are available in terms of four, eight, and 12-week terms and terms of varying lengths. Discover what is possible and easily search courses.