By participating in summer session students have the opportunity to graduate and earn earlier and potentially reduce educational expenses. CSU summer session offers a unique opportunity to focus on one or few courses at a time. This makes summer a great time to complete a challenging course, participate in experiential learning, gain career-based experience, or fulfill a prerequisite. 

Three of five students participate in summer session during their CSU journey.

Overview and What to Expect

Students who participate in CSU’s summer session generally:

  • Strive to accelerate their academic progress, advance in their profession, or gain hands-on experience.
  • Graduate at higher rates.
  • Are more likely to earn higher summer term grade point averages than in fall and spring.
  • Undergraduates complete an average of 5.71 credits over summer.
    • Students receiving financial aid and/or scholarships will need to meet specific requirements (which vary by award) and can connect with a counselor in the Office of Financial Aid to be sure the maximum aid is received.
    • Students may take fewer or more credits depending on interests, family and work commitments, travel, and other considerations.
  • Students should be prepared for the pace of the condensed terms within summer and make a plan for devoting adequate time to their studies.

Advantages of Summer Session

Discover the educational, financial, and time-saving benefits of summer session, along with the advantages of summer’s shorter terms and accelerated courses and programs.


Shorter Terms and Course Compression

The condensed course formats of summer session’s shorter terms mean a fast start and consistent pace enhance learning. Students frequently mention they enjoy the condensed course formats because they can:

  • Immerse themselves in fewer topics than during the fall or spring semester,
  • Complete credits in a shorter time period,
  • Complete an AUCC course or a prerequisite during the summer, or
  • Take a difficult class and focus solely on that topic for a shorter period of time.

Choose Your Learning Environment

Explore which course delivery formats and combinations work best for your learning preferences and success. Assess the advantages/disadvantages of face-to-face courses and online courses for your situation:

  • Smaller average campus class size means more opportunity to build community with students and more individual attention from faculty.
  • Online classes provide flexibility for studying at a distance, working, and balancing study with life demands.
    • The majority of online courses are not self-paced and have ongoing deadlines.
    • Online classes can simplify transportation logistics and costs.

Discover the educational, financial, and time-saving benefits of summer session, along with the advantages of summer’s shorter terms, condensed courses, and accelerated programs.

Financial Benefits

Summer session can be an integral part of graduating in four years or accelerating time to graduation.

  • Reduce educational expenses: Graduating on time may help students avoid additional living and educational expenses associated with an extra semester or year.
  • Earn money sooner: By accelerating time to graduation, students enter the job market earlier.
  • Earn while you learn: many on-campus and local summer jobs are posted in RAMweb.
  • Tuition:
    • Nonresident undergraduates benefit from a summer base tuition rate at 30% less than fall/spring with registration in RAMweb.
    • If tuition increases, it usually increases in the fall semester.

Financial aid may be available in summer for students who meet the eligibility criteria. Half-time enrollment is typically required for financial aid purposes (usually 6 credits for undergraduates; 5 credits for graduate students). Please review Summer Financial Aid, then consult with a counselor in the Office of Financial Aid to determine your specific needs and options.

Educational Benefits

  • Opportunity to improve GPA:
    • Many CSU students who take summer courses earn a higher summer term grade point average than in fall and spring terms.
  • Take a class that may have a waitlist during the fall or spring semesters.
  • Explore a new interest.
  • Change or add to a program of study:
    • Add a minor or concentration, or
    • Add or change a major.
  • Gain career skills and cultural insights through internships, research, study abroad, and experiential/field courses.
  • Take one or two classes at a time to focus deeply on fewer subjects.
  • Smaller on-campus class sizes, on average, allow for:
    • More individual attention from faculty,
    • Building a strong learning community, and
    • Enhanced in-class discussion.

Benefits of Time

Lighten course load in other semesters

Summer session can help in balancing work, family, and scholastic commitments. When a highly demanding course or semester approaches, taking a summer course can distribute courses across more semesters while staying on track with graduation plans.

Graduate in a timely manner

When students take the recommended 15 credits in both fall and spring semesters, summer session courses may contribute to graduating in four years or less.(Note: credit requirements vary by major).

  • Nearly 65% of CSU undergraduates who participate in summer session are seniors.
  • Participate in summer session earlier in your program of study to help avoid needing credits after your intended graduation term.
  • A delayed graduation may also delay professional employment options and earnings.

Reach the next class level

  • Sophomore (completion of 30 credits by end of the first year)
  • Junior (completion of 60 credits by end of sophomore year)
  • Senior (completion of 90 credits by end of junior year)
  • Completion of degree (120 credits or more depending on program of study)

Catch up on credits after a change of major

Changing majors before sophomore year may add one month (on average) to time-to-degree. Nationally, 35% of students change majors after their sophomore year, which can add a full term to their graduation plan. If you’ve made, or are considering a major change, include summer session in your plan to promote timely graduation.

Earn credits before first year of college

High school students may take classes before their first semester of college. This can help to ease the transition to college life, while earning credits in advance. These students may:

  1. Take classes through CSU Online if taking online classes only
  2. Enroll as a “Summer-Only/Visiting” student and take in-person classes, with or without online classes.

Please note: If admitted as a degree-seeking student beginning with the summer term, the student must attend summer session in order to remain admitted for fall semester.

Benefits of Our Summer Campus

The CSU campus and Fort Collins community are more casual in the summer!

  • Fewer people, less traffic, and parking spots abound.
  • Entertainment, including free campus Lagoon concerts.
  • Community events include summer music concerts.
  • Hiking, boating, bicycling, and other activities in the great outdoors.
  • The majority of campus and learning resources available in the academic year remain available in the summer.
  • Prorated on-campus housing options allow the flexibility to live on campus during the time needed.

Opportunities for Transfer Students

  1. Take prerequisite or introductory courses in the summer to meet requirements for upper division courses. Be ready to progress with program requirements in the fall semester.
  2. Participate in summer session earlier in your program of study to help avoid needing credits after your intended graduation term.
  3. Maximize your financial aid benefits. Students who are eligible for a Pell grant may apply the grant to summer session.

Accelerated Programs

Accelerated Programs at Colorado State University provide a pathway for students to graduate in 3-3.5 years or less. Graduating earlier allows students to complete their next step in life including career entry or graduate school and may provide financial benefits. Currently offered through 35 programs in six colleges, Accelerated Programs typically include credits taken during summer session. Learn more at Accelerated Programs.