New to CSU? These resources will help you find community, navigate the campus, stay safe, set up your technology needs, and recreate. Gain familiarity with CSU systems for courses, paying bills, and resources for solving problems and taking care of yourself.

Getting Started

These resources will help you transfer credits, learn about financial aid, make a deposit, register, access your classes, download software, and get rolling with classes.

Information Technology

Email, software downloads, NetID, training, and more. Set up or modify your NetID, Google Apps, Anti-Virus software, or visit/call the IT Help Desk in the Morgan Library, and more.

Explore Info. Technology Services


The student portal for applicants, new, and current students. Check your application status, register, view financial information, student records, jobs, and more.

Explore: RAMweb


  • CSU’s course interface for online and campus classes.
  • Canvas student orientation guide, how to see all your classes, Canvas app, and more.

Explore: Canvas

Office of the Registrar

Information related to course transfer and access, registration, schedule changes, related forms, and more.

Learn more: Registrar

Office of Financial Aid

  • Summer financial aid, reduced nonresident undergraduate tuition rate, student employment, and more.
  • Colorado residents may apply for the College Opportunity Fund stipend.

Explore: Financial Aid

Cashier's Office

Learn where and how to pay your bill, explore payment plans, set up payment from college savings and 529 plans, and more.

Learn more: Cashier’s Office

Create Your Community

These resources support you in finding your community, along with groups, and opportunities within departments and across areas of study.

Inclusive Excellence and Student Diversity Offices

Colorado State University (CSU) is proud of its efforts to enhance, appreciate and support diversity and multiculturalism as part of its mission as a land-grant institution of higher education. A selection of programs and services are designed to support students in a variety of ways and provide opportunities to successfully participate in, and contribute to, the diverse campus environment. While each office listed on the Inclusive Excellence website may emphasize a specific segment of the student body, services and programs are available to benefit all students at CSU.

Experience: Inclusive Excellence

Student Leadership, Involvement, and Community Engagement (SLiCE)

With a variety of leadership and community engagement programs, SLiCE provides an important link between students and their surrounding communities.

Explore: SLiCE


Connect with the CSU community, student organizations, and events.

Explore: RamLink

Campus Resources

If you’re studying on campus, you’ll find information about how to get your RamCard, find the CSU Bookstore and RAMTech store, and become familiar with campus.

Campus Maps

Search the user-friendly campus map by building and location. View campus through a sustainability point of view, enjoy art installations, find services such as assistive technology, and much more.

Explore: Campus Maps

Assistive Technology Resource Center (ATRC)

Provides physical and digital access for all students through consultation, education, and advocacy regarding inclusive design, access to mainstream and instructional technologies, and best practices for assistive technology supports in higher education.

Connect with ATRC

Morgan Library

  • Research resources and support for your next paper or project.
  • Technology resources include tech support and computer repairs, video editing bays, and device check out.
  • Printing, meeting rooms, quiet study spaces, off-campus access, and more.

Explore: Morgan Library


Your RamCard is your personal ID card on campus. It’s your ticket to just about everything at Colorado State University.

Learn more: RamCard


Purchase a laptop, accessories, hardware, and software.
Come in to ask questions, try products, check-in for repairs, and more. This is the one-stop shop where you can directly interface with the knowledgeable RAMTech team.

Learn more: RAMTech

CSU Bookstore

Purchase CSU Rams and Semester at Sea apparel, textbooks, gifts, art and office supplies, and more.

Learn more: CSU Bookstore

Health, Relationships, and Safety

From rock climbing and yoga classes to signing up for emergency alerts, use these resources to take care of your health, relationships, and connect with the RAM community.

Campus Recreation

Group classes, personal training, intramural sports, outdoor programs, sport clubs, and more.

Experience: Campus Recreation

Safety Resources

Information and resources for safety, emergencies, and reporting concerns. Sign up for text alerts, SafeWalk, and support members of CSU community and helping those who may be struggling or in distress. “Rams take care of Rams.”

Explore: Safety Resources at CSU

CSU Health Network

Care for body and mind.

Explore: Health Network

Student Resolution Center

Supporting students as they navigate challenges and explore their impact as members of the CSU community.

Connect: Student Resolution Center


Find tips and tools for everything from your mental and physical health to friendships and finding balance.

Learn more: YOU@CSU

Housing, Parking, and Transportation

Locate housing, learn about parking and local public transit, and register your bicycle.

Off-Campus Life

Off-Campus Life’s summer housing web page includes a rental search and the schedule for their roommate Meet and Matches. Explore summer internships and learn about furniture rental, transportation, and local entertainment and activities.

Explore: Off-Campus Life

Parking and Transportation Services

Explore transportation options, purchase a permit, or find the parking areas that fit your need, including ADA parking.

Visit: Parking and Transportation

On-Campus Housing (Summer)

  • Students enrolled for one or more credits can live in campus housing and pay for only the weeks they stay.
  • Summer 2025 housing and meals will be available in Parmelee Hall.
  • The application for Summer 2025 on-campus housing application will open the last week of March 2025.

Learn more: On-Campus Summer Housing

Bicycle Registration

All bicycles ridden or parked on any Colorado State University campus must be registered with the CSU Police Department. Learn the rules of the road for staying safe on campus and in Colorado.

Register Your Bike

Jobs and Career

Find work and gain experience. Connect with people and resources to explore career paths, prepare for your job search and fulfill your future goals.

Career Center

  • Visit the Career Center website to learn about job listings in Handshake and make a one-on-one connection.
  • The website is loaded with resources for creating a cover letter and resume, preparing and practicing for interviews, career advising, networking, and much more.

Explore: Career Center


RAMweb: Student Employment

Learn about:

  1. Full-time, internship and part-time (campus and business) jobs.
  2. Local odd jobs (nonregistered businesses) by visiting RAMweb > Menu > Student Employment.

Explore: RAMweb