Our goal is for your questions to be answered as quickly and directly as possible. For the topics below, specialists on campus are best prepared to respond and accomplish the best result. Please reach out to the following campus offices if your questions relate to:

Questions about specific programs for K-12 and programs for admitted students are best answered by the staff and faculty administering each programs. Please visit the program websites through our portals and contact us if you have questions.

Let’s connect!

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Anne Van Arsdall, CSU Summer director and contact

Anne Van Arsdall
Director, CSU Summer
Phone: (970) 491-1590

Ellen Audley, contact at CSU Summer

Ellen Audley
Program Coordinator, CSU Summer
Phone: (970) 491-1590

Campus Mail

CSU Summer
1502 Campus Delivery


Colorado State University
CSU Summer
1502 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1502